On-ice or at the field session of your team
$90+HST per player (Entire team)
2 hour shoot includes:
1 locker/dressing room shot for each player with studio lights
2 portrait poses on ice/field for each player
3 action shots during practice per player
3 team photo poses per player
1 buddy shot per player
2 x 5x7 prints of the photo of parents choice
1 magnet of the photo of parents choice
$80+HST per player (Entire Team)
2 hour shoot includes:
1 locker/dressing room pose with studio lights per player
2 portrait poses per player
3 action shots during practice per player
2 team photo poses per player
1 buddy shot per player
2 x 5x7 prints of the phot of parents choice
$70+HST per player (Entire Team)
2 hour shoot includes:
1 locker/dressing room pose with studio lights per payer
2 portrait poses on ice/field per player
3 action shots during practice per player
1 team photo pose per player